Marcel Giró

25 October 2024
EIVISSA 1953. New photobook by Marcel Giró and Palmira Puig
multistudioBOOKS has just released EIVISSA 1953. Fotografies de Palmira Puig i Marcel Giró. L’any 1953, en un dels primers viatges a Catalunya que feien des del seu exili brasiler, Palmira Puig i Marcel Giró van aprofitar per visitar l’illa d’Eivissa. Les fotografies que van fer en aquell viatge tenen un valor especial per diferents motius. Per una banda, ens mostren la puresa d’una Eivissa que, com tantes altres coses, ja no existeix. Per l’altra, desvelen la ...
17 November 2022
Marcel Giró at Paris Photo, with Rocío Santa Cruz
One more year the RocioSantaCruz gallery exhibits works by Marcel Giró in Paris Photo, from November 10 to 13, 2022.
15 July 2022
Nine images of the photographer Palmira Puig are incorporated to the Museum of Urgell and Morera.
The Museum of Art Jaume Morera and the Regional Museum of Urgell-Tàrrega, have incorporated nine works of Palmira Puig, acquired by the Provincial Council, which can be seen until September 11 in an exhibition to the equipment of Lleida. "It is a special day because it is a work of maximum artistic significance," said in yesterday's presentation the director of the Morera, Jaume Navarro on the collection of nine black and white images, of which three are original copies of ...
Foto: Núria García
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