Marcel Giró

URTX. Revista d´humanitats de l´Urgell
Juliol 2020. Num. 34
Palmira Puig Ximénez: from Tàrrega to the world, in search of a social and aesthetic ideal.
The 34th issue of the magazine URTX publishes an extensive biographical report on Palmira Puig, written by anthropologist Marina Pallàs after a detailed research work that includes interviews with Ester Tayà Puig, Palmira's niece, Maria Giró Marsal, Marcel's sister, Marta Domènech Puig, Palmira's niece, Pilarín Minguell Pont, Palmira's friend, Toni Ricart Giró, Palmira's nephew, and the gallerist Rocío Santa Cruz.
The 33-page article provides unpublished data on the Puig family and Palmira's political activity during the Republic, in the years leading up to the Spanish Civil War.
URTX is published by Museu Tàrrega Urgell, Museu Cal Trepat de Tàrrega and the Network of Regional Archives of Urgell.