Marcel Giró

Marcel Giró moderno
Galeria Bergamin
São Paulo, 2013
Exhibition at Galeria Bergamin, São Paulo, from 05.11.2013 to 14.12.2013
40 vintage prints are exposed. Giro's most representative works of his contribution to the Escuela Paulista.
Curators: Iatã Cannabrava, Isabel Amado.
"When he settled in São Paulo in the 1950s, Catalan photographer Marcel Giró encountered what was most revolutionary in photography during those years of return to normal life after two long wars: the Bandeirante Photo and Film Club (FCCB). Within this context, his work did not completely shed its documentary responsibility, forged by his experience in between the wars. Even though they are immersed in the forms, geometries and other experimentations of the São Paulo Modernism movement, his photographs also conveyed the concern of his generation of photographers in documenting the transformation of the city, as did the work of Paulo Pires, José Yalenti, Ademar Manarini, Eduardo Salvatore, Gaspar Gasparian and other FCCB fellow travelers. Growing metropolises are the main focus of his work; Giró’s gaze is the same, whether in the harsh shadows, the coldest of geometries or the less nuanced contrasts. There is always delicacy emanating from his photographs. Strangely enough, little attention has been paid, for many years, to the Modernism of the São Paulo School. But important projects in the past decade have brought to light works kept by artists’ families. Such is the case of this exhibition, composed of 40 vintage works kept in the care of Toni Ricart, Giró’s nephew."
Iatã Cannabrava
São Paulo, 2013
Iatã Cannabrava